
Article Archive

The Speech & Language Therapy in Practice archive is available to read or download free on Scribd.  (Please note that Scribd is an external website, which bills itself as ‘the world’s largest online library’.  As a commercial enterprise, Scribd will encourage you to sign up for a paid premium membership.  You do not require this to access the SLTiP archive.) Currently, articles from 2002-2011 are available individually, while for 1997-2001 you can view scans of the entire magazine.

If you are looking for a particular author or subject, Scribd has a search facility which allows you to search the hundreds of documents on the Speech and Language Therapy in Practice profile.


If you wish to browse through the articles on this site they have been arranged in two ways:

  • Articles following a similar theme are grouped into Collections.
  • Articles from each issue are presented together on a page.

In both cases there is an abstract of the article and a link to either the collection or individual article on Scribd.

You can browse through the pages of the article archive using the menu on the right.